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Rambler's Top100

Tuesday, February 24, 1998
Silver lining for Bure

By GEORGE JOHNSON -- Calgary Sun   Speed has always been Valeri Bure's trademark.
 Admittedly, though, there wasn't much giddyup in his step yesterday.
 "I didn't get any sleep last night, then five hours on a bus, eight hours on the plane to Vancouver and then another hour and a half here," said the Flames' winger, arriving from Nagano, via Vancouver, accompanied by wife Candace. And, of course, the silver medal he helped Russia land at the Big Hat Arena.
 "A silver is pretty good," conceded Bure, whose country was edged 1-0 by the Czech Republic in the hockey final. "The Czechs deserved to win the gold. They played very well and, of course, Hasek was exceptional.'"
 Countryman German Titov felt the Russian result was a tad disappointing.
 "Lucky goal," he grumped of Petr Svoboda's game-winner in the gold-medal matchup. "From the point ... through a bunch of players," Titov shrugged.
 "But everyone thought Canada-U.S. I think we showed Europeans can play well, too, not just North Americans."
 Bure relished the opportunity of being on the same side as his brother Pavel, at the peak of his powers in Japan.
 "I really enjoyed it. He's such a great player. Those five goals against Finland were amazing.
 "Organization-wise, it was not very good. But being there was a once-in-a-lifetime experience." 

Страничка Валерия Буре на сайте "Звёзды с Востока"


13 августа. Федоров, Буре-младший официально отказались от участия на Кубке Мира. 

10 марта.Bure says this exit's for keeps - Florida Sun-Sentinel 

8 марта. “Флорида” снова обменяли Буре. На этот раз в Даллас. 

14 января. У Буре все в порядке! - Советский Спорт

11 января.  Еx-Flame Bure still loves Calgary - Calgary Herald

7 ноября. Засуха Буре-младшего закончилась на 363 дне.


"ЗВЁЗДЫ С ВОСТОКА" @ c 1997 года